The environment - what do we do about it at Pixojet?

Ready-to-use ink cartridges

Have you ever wondered how many boxes / packaging you kept after you bought a product? Not so many, right? Almost all the packages end up in a trash can. It is a waste of time, money and has a negative impact on the environment. We work hard to optimize the overall packaging experience, starting with the boxes and across the supply chain.


We reduce waste of packaging

by sending the ink cartridges in

their own bag without using

an extra box and for that reason, we

send a larger quantity of goods in

same shipment. And because

of our powerful shipping bags,

full protection is ensured

under transportation, so the goods

arrive in perfect condition.


All this will reduce the waste

throughout the supply chain

and at the same time ensure that the customers have

a good experience every time they

receive and open a package.

We ship the ink cartridges in

new way, ready-to-use, that reduces

the frustration of getting one

extra box, which still ends up in one

waste bin.


Why do we do it?

Handling of packaging waste

in an environmentally responsible manner

brings a number of benefits, including:


  • Preventing pollution by reducing the need for new raw materials


  • Saving energy


  • Helping to protect the environment for the sake of the future generations


  • Saving money


  • Reducing the amount of waste to be recycled


‘We strive for

to do better ’

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